Jason Visconti


Jupiter is small on the retina.
Comets drag their python arms across the universe.
The universe rinses with dazzle and depth.
The moon is the last one up at a slumber party.
The sky is boss of all crickets.
The sun is a stallion with its neck out in the woods.
I adore the calculus of the stars.
God shivers to think he is not the true God.
The constellations lasso our eyes.
The flowers sprout golden tongues.
The Big Bang pulls our eyes through our heads.
Zero-gravity is like full-blown kisses.
Pluto is a cold beggar at your door.

Jason Visconti has been writing poetry and fiction since he was 15 years old. Now 33 years old and attending writing workshops, he still enjoys creating unique imagery in his work. He has been published in various internet and print journals for both his poetry and short stories and has a poetry book published called: “The Death of Equal Handshakes”.