Patricia Carragon

Shriveled Seeds

Shriveled seeds hide
in parched soil,
shoot upward
as twisted spines.

Their dry leaves,
thirsty for water,
search for a distant cloud
that drifts elsewhere.

Twisted spines
eventually rot –
yield famine
for a land to waste., Rogue Scholars, Poets Wear Prada, The Toronto Quarterly, CLWN WR, Chantarelle’s Notebook, Clockwise Cat, Luciole Press, Eviscerator Heaven 4, Flutter, Up the Staircase, Battered Suitcase, Kritya, Inscribed and more have published Patricia Carragon’s work. She is the author of Journey to the Center of My Mind (Rogue Scholars Press). She is a member of Brevitas, a group dedicated to short poems. Patricia hosts and curates the Brooklyn-based Brownstone Poets and is the editor of its annual anthology.